The Sustainable Design is the protagonist at the Festival of Visual Arts in Alba, at the "Giuseppe Fenoglio" Conference Room, Friday 9 September at 5:00 pm, the day of the inauguration of the D/SIGN exhibition.
It is the anticipation of the "avant-garde heart" of the exhibition which includes the display of furnishing fabrics from the circular economy, polymers for the design industry also coming from the recycling economy, up to mattresses made exclusively through the ''use of natural materials and without synthetic glues".
The speakers of the conference, conducted by the journalist Franca Giusti, of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont, will be:
- Romano Di Giusto – Home Designer - curator of the exhibition
- Matteo Tampone – Designer/Artist
- Studio Archirivolto – Designers 4.0
- Mauro Jannelli – Architect
- Fulvio Panzeri – CMO of TPA Tessuti
- Fabio Gino – Owner of Powerpol polymers
The themes of sustainability of the BFS 2022 Festival are supported by:

Nella foto un'opera di Matteo Tampone, artista designer attento alle tematiche del green design

Carta da parati della Jannelli e Volpi, titolare dell'innovativo progetto di economia circolare per realizzare superfici di erba sintetica per lo sport, utilizzando scarti di lavorazione della carta da parati vinilica. Jannelli&Volpi ''goes green'' abbraccia l’economia circolare, garantendo ai materiali utilizzati nella produzione un secondo ciclo di vita e riciclo.